
Nonce Management

在Conflux中,每个账户都有一个nonce值,表示该账户执行的交易序号。 可以使用RPC方法cfx_getNextNonce获取此值。 交易中的nonce字段用于指定执行顺序,较低的nonce值表示较早地执行。 通常情况下,可以直接将这个值作为下一次交易的nonce。

然而,在网络交易量高(拥堵)或需要快速提交交易的情况下,获取nonce值变得更为复杂。 本文将详细解释nonce更新机制以及如何在特殊情况下管理交易的nonce。



  1. 在区块链上,交易的执行顺序是按照账户的nonce值从小到大的顺序执行的。
  2. Nonce 的初始值是 0,每执行一次交易,nonce 就增加 1。
  3. Nonce 不能重复使用。
  4. Nonce 不能跳过:假设一个账户的当前 nonce 是 n。 如果交易的nonce值为m,且m > n, 那么该交易不会被执行 直到所有nonce < m的交易都被执行
  5. 通过cfx_sendRawTransaction 方法发送交易后, 不会立即执行。 你必须等待矿工先打包它。 一旦打包,它将延迟 5 个 epoch 执行。 交易执行后,账户的 nonce 将增加一。

Nonce 使用不当引起的问题

用户在发送交易时设置 nonce 不正确可能会导致交易失败或在交易池中卡住,无法被打包和执行。 以下是一些常见的错误消息及其相应的解决方案。



"\"Transaction 0x0101010110 is discarded due to a too stale nonce\""

此错误表示使用的nonce 值已经过时或已被重新使用,需要更新到最新的nonce值。



"Tx with the same nonce already inserted. To replace it, you need to specify a gas price > {}""

在这种情况下,你应该等待交易池中的交易被执行。 If you want to replace the transaction in the pool, you need to set a higher gas price and resend it.


"\"tx already exist\""




"\"Transaction 0x0101010101010101 is discarded due to in too distant future\""

解决方案: 发送交易时使用正确的nonce值。

除了nonce配置错误导致交易失败外,还会有一些其他情况。 欲了解更多详情,请参阅发送交易错误


有一种情况是,在发送交易后,在长时间内无法获取交易收据。 这通常是由于交易使用非连续的nonce值导致的。 在这种情况下,交易被卡在交易池内,等待先前交易的执行完成。

For example, if the account's current nonce is 1 and you send a transaction with nonce 5, it will be stuck in the transaction pool, waiting for transactions with nonces 1, 2, 3, and 4 to be sent and executed.

To ensure the execution of this transaction, you need to send transactions with nonces 1, 2, 3, and 4 to the transaction pool. Once these transactions are packaged, the transaction with nonce 5 will automatically be included and executed.

For more information on pending transactions, refer to Transaction Pending.

Rapid Transaction Processing through Manual Nonce Management

In most situations, transactions are sent sequentially: sending one transaction, waiting for it to be executed, and then sending the next. In such cases, cfx_getNextNonce can be used directly to obtain the nonce for each transaction. However, this method has a slower processing time, typically averaging around 15 seconds per transaction.

For rapid transaction processing, managing nonce values manually is essential. The general steps for this approach are:

  1. Initial Nonce Retrieval: Obtain the current nonce of your account, referred to as nextNonce, before beginning the transaction process.

  2. Transaction Submission: For each transaction:

    • Use nextNonce for the transaction.
    • After transaction is successful sent to RPC nodes, increment nextNonce.
    • Record the hash and nonce of each transaction.
  3. Repeated Execution: Continue step 2 for multiple transactions.

  4. Transaction Monitoring:

    • Use cfx_getTransactionByHash and cfx_getTransactionReceipt for transaction status updates.
    • If a receipt is confirmed, stop monitoring that transaction.
    • If a transaction is dropped or reverted, resend it using the same nonce.
    • For delayed transactions, possibly due to network congestion, consider increasing gasPrice and resending them.

Additional Considerations:

  • Pending Transaction Management: Aim to keep pending transactions in the pool to a manageable number, ideally between 100-200. Exceeding this can complicate handling if transactions are delayed or reverted.

  • Sufficient Funds: Ensure the account has adequate CFX for both the transfer amount and transaction fees to prevent transaction processing delays.

  • Multiple Accounts for Increased Speed (for certain situations): Using several accounts in parellel for transactions can further enhance processing speed.



Through the cfx_getNextNonce RPC, the next available nonce of an account can be obtained. 使用过的 nonce 值不能再次使用。 如果使用一个大于当前 nonce 值的 nonce,交易将无法被打包。

How and When Does the Nonce Value Change in Transactions?

The nonce value in a transaction increments by 1 upon the transaction's execution, regardless of whether the transaction succeeds or fails. If you query the nonce using cfx_getNextNonce after sending a transaction, it may appear unchanged. This unchanged status occurs because the transaction is either still in the transaction pool pending inclusion in a block, or it has been included in a block but is in a 'defer' state awaiting execution.

Refer to nonce mechanism for more example.

如果您想批量发送交易,如何管理 nonce?

当批量发送交易时,需要手动管理 nonce 值。 每次发送交易时,需要手动将 nonce 值加一。 在这种情况下,如果有一个交易失败,导致它的 nonce 没有被使用,您需要手动调整交易参数并重新发送该交易。 因此,在批量发送交易时,您需要保留所有交易的哈希值,并监控这些交易的状态。

Why doesn't the account's nonce increase immediately after transaction is packed into a block?

The account's nonce does not increase immediately after a transaction appears on chain. Instead, the nonce increases after the transaction is packaged and executed.