
网络 RPC 端点

公共 RPC 端点

Confura 是由 Conflux 基金会提供的公共 RPC 服务,可以免费使用。 但为了维持服务的可用性,免费级别的服务有速率限制。 如果你需要更高级别的 RPC 服务,你可以通过 Web3 Paywall 进行购买,或者可以直接发送邮件到 bd@confluxnetwork.org 向 Conflux 基金会申请。


网络名称链 IDRPC 端点 URL浏览器网址
主网1030 (0x406)HTTP: https://evm.confluxrpc.com
Websocket: wss://evm.confluxrpc.com/ws
测试网71 (0x47)HTTP: https://evmtestnet.confluxrpc.com
Websocket: wss://evmtestnet.confluxrpc.com/ws


网络名称链 IDRPC 端点 URL浏览器网址
主网1030 (0x406)HTTP: https://evm.confluxrpc.org
Websocket: wss://evm.confluxrpc.org/ws
测试网71 (0x47)https://evmtestnet.confluxrpc.org
Websocket: wss://evmtestnet.confluxrpc.org/ws



免费$0每秒 50 次调用,每天最多100,000次 调用-
标准150 美元/月每秒 100 次调用,每天最多 1,000,000 次调用mainnet
企业用户请发邮件至 bd@confluxnetwork.org按需定制-


  • getLogs调用的结果集最大大小为10,000。
  • 由于数据裁剪,旧的存档事件日志可能无法访问。
  • Append your api key(get from Web3 Paywall or Conflux Foundation) to the endpoint for privileged access (eg., https://evm.confluxrpc.com/<mainnet-api-key> or for testnet, https://evmtestnet.confluxrpc.org/<testnet-api-key>);
  • 每个RPC方法也有速率限制,请查阅以下规范以了解更多详细信息。
RPC 方法免费级别标准级别注释
全部每秒请求数< 50;
每日总数 < 100,000
每秒请求数< 100;
每日总数 < 100,0000
RPC 请求总数
eth_getLogs每秒请求数< 5每秒请求数< 20-
eth_call每秒请求数< 5每秒请求数< 50-
eth_getBlockBy*每秒请求数< 5每秒请求数< 20includes:
eth_getTransaction*每秒请求数< 5每秒请求数< 20includes:
debug RPC暂不支持每秒请求数< 20includes:
parity_getBlockReceipts etc.
trace RPC暂不支持每秒请求数< 20包括:
trace_block, trace_filter, trace_transaction
filter API暂不支持支持includes:
eth_newFilter, eth_getFilterChanges etc.
Confura Common Errors

The Confura service have some proprietary errors, these errors are not part of the Conflux-rust client RPC implementation.

common error response format:

"id": 123,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": -32000,
"message": "daily request limit exceeded: Too many requests (exceeds 100000)"

Rate Limit related errors:

daily request limit exceeded: Too many requests (exceeds 100000)
access forbidden by allowlistsThe requested method is only available in the VIP service.
allowed qps exceeded: Too many requests, exceeds 50 at a time

Encountering such errors, please purchase a higher-tier service through the web3 paywall.

getLogs related errors:

event logs are too stale (already pruned)
Filter must provide one of the following: (1) an epoch range through fromEpoch and toEpoch, (2) a block number range through fromBlock and toBlock, (3) a set of block hashes through blockHashes
invalid block range (from block larger than to block)
Filter must provide one of the following: (1) a block number range through fromBlock and toBlock, (2) a set of block hashes through blockHash
filter.block_hashes can contain up to 32 hashes; xxx were provided.
filter.address can contain up to 32 addresses; xxx were provided.
filter.topics must be no more than 4-dimensional array; xxx were provided.
filter.topics can contain up to 32 topics per dimension; xxx were provided.
query set is too large, please narrow down your filter condition
result set to be queried is too large with more than 10000 logs, please narrow down your filter condition
filter not found

service errors:

no full node available
subscription proxy error
query timeout with duration exceeds 3s
server is too busy, please try again later
RPC middleware crashed

This type of error indicates an issue with the Confura service. Please try again later or contact the service provider.

商业 RPC 服务

有许多商业性的 RPC 服务提供商, 您可以点击 这里 查看


如何获取 Confura 高级 API 密钥?

Confura 是由 Conflux 基金会提供的公共 RPC 服务,可以免费使用。 对于免费级别,您不需要 API 密钥。 要获取更高级别的 RPC 服务,您可以在 Web3 Paywall 上进行购买,或者发送邮件到 bd@confluxnetwork.org 向 Conflux 基金会申请。