
Documentation Overview

欢迎来到 Conflux 网络开发者门户! 这个全面的门户旨在帮助您理解 Conflux 网络的复杂性,一个高性能的去中心化区块链网络。 在这里,您将找到该平台的基础概念、工具和指南的详细总结。

Conflux 网络有两个空间:Core Space 和 eSpace,Core Space 和 eSpace 的开发体验不同,查看下面的文档了解如何开始在每个空间上构建。

If you have any questions regarding the documentation, feel free to create an issue, send feedback emails to build@confluxnetwork.org or join our Discord channel to engage in discussions with us.


用户指南指导用户配置 MetaMask 以与 Conflux 的 eSpace 互动的指南。
开发者快速入门为以太坊开发者提供的快速入门指南,配置他们的开发环境以与 Conflux 的 eSpace 互动。
开发者教程Conflux eSpace 上的开发者教程,包括合约部署和验证。
跨空间桥了解跨空间桥,实现 Conflux 的 eSpace 与 Core Space 之间的资产和数据的无缝转移。
网络 RPC 端点查找 eSpace 的网络端点列表。
EVM 兼容性了解 eSpace 与以太坊虚拟机 (EVM) 的 VM 兼容性,促进在 Conflux 上部署 EVM 兼容的智能合约和 dApps。
JSON-RPC 兼容性了解 eSpace 与以太坊 RPC 的 JSON-RPC 兼容性。

Core Space

开始使用 Core Space开始您在 Conflux 的 Core Space 的旅程,了解其基本概念和操作。
开发者快速入门开发者使用 js-conflux-sdk 发送他们的第一个 Core Space 交易的快速入门指南。
开发者教程Conflux Core Space 上的开发者教程,涵盖合约部署、合约验证和代付。
Core Space 基础了解 Conflux 的 Core Space 的基础概念,包括账户、交易和 gas。
Core Space 交易了解关于 Core Space 交易的所有信息,包括交易字段、生命周期、常见错误。
Core Space 网络 RPC 端点查找 Conflux 的 Core Space 的网络端点列表。
Core Space JSON-RPC 参考了解 Core Space 中用于远程程序的 JSON-RPC 协议。
存储了解 Conflux 的抵押存储 (CFS) 机制,与以太坊相比,这是一种更公平、合理的存储使用定价方法。
代付机制发现 Conflux 的 gas 赞助机制,该机制促进智能合约的使用而无需 gas 成本,允许新的零余额账户执行赞助的合约执行。
内置合约Conflux 在 Core Space 引入了几个内置的内部合约,用于改善系统维护和链上治理,包括 AdminControl、SponsorWhitelistControl、Staking、ConfluxContext、PoSRegister 和 ParamsControl。
运行节点熟悉设置和操作 Conflux 节点的过程,成为网络不可或缺的一部分。

Understanding the Conflux Network

SpacesExplore the dual-space ecosystem of Conflux, facilitating seamless integration of Conflux-format and Ethereum-format transactions within a single network.
Consensus MechanismDiscover Conflux's hybrid PoW-PoS consensus mechanism, combining Proof of Work with Proof of Stake for enhanced security and performance.
TreeGraph & GHASTLearn about the TreeGraph blockchain structure and GHAST algorithm, foundational components of Conflux's Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism.
Proof Of StakeUnderstand Conflux's Proof of Stake (PoS) as a part of its hybrid PoW-PoS consensus mechanism, enhancing security and performance.
EconomicsAn introduction to the economic model of Conflux, including the native token, CFX, and its utility within the network.
GovernanceOverview of Conflux Governance.
Research PapersThe Conflux Network is built on a foundation of rigorous research. This section provides a collection of Conflux's research papers, including the original whitepaper, detailing the network's innovative consensus mechanism.
Conflux_Protocol_SpecificationThe Conflux yellow paper.
AccountsLearn about network accounts, capable of holding balances and initiating transactions.
TransactionsExplore transactions – transfers and other actions that modify Conflux's state. This section also elucidates the unique aspects of Conflux transaction lifecycle, distinct from Ethereum's model.
GasLearn about the gas mechanism in Conflux, used to compute transaction costs and incentivize network operations.


[Contributing](../general/CONTRIBUTINGLearn how you can contribute to improving the Conflux Network documentation portal, sharing expertise, and collaborating with the community.
GrantsDive into the Conflux Foundation's Grants Program, designed to support innovative projects and ideas that contribute to the growth and development of the Conflux Network. This section details the types of grants available, application processes, and criteria for evaluation, providing a comprehensive guide for potential applicants seeking financial support for their projects within the Conflux ecosystem.