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cfx Namespace


There is a JSON-RPC API spec of cfx namespace on GitHub. You can view it in open-rpc playground


HEX value encoding

Two key data types get passed over JSON: unformatted byte arrays and quantities. Both are passed with a hex encoding but with different requirements for formatting.


When encoding QUANTITIES (integers, numbers): encode as hex using the most compact representation and prefix with "0x". Zero should be represented as "0x0". Examples:

  • 0x41 (65 in decimal)
  • 0x400 (1024 in decimal)
  • WRONG: 0x (should always have at least one digit - zero is "0x0")
  • WRONG: 0x0400 (no leading zeroes allowed)
  • WRONG: ff (missing 0x prefix)

Unformatted data

When encoding UNFORMATTED DATA (byte arrays, hashes, bytecode arrays): encode as hex using two hex digits per byte and prefix with "0x". Examples:

  • 0x41 (size 1, "A")
  • 0x004200 (size 3, "\0B\0")
  • 0x (size 0, "")
  • WRONG: 0xf0f0f (must be even number of digits)
  • WRONG: 004200 (missing 0x prefix)

Note that block and transaction hashes are represented using 32 bytes.

Base32 Address

BASE32: Base32 addresses should be encoded as an ASCII string of 42-characters plus network prefix, separators, and optional fields. Please note the following constraints for base32 addresses as RPC parameters:

  • The network-prefix should match the node's network, i.e. cfx:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp can be sent to mainnet nodes and cfxtest:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403ywjz6wtpg can be sent to testnet nodes. Note that these two example addresses correspond to the same account on different networks.
  • Including and omitting the address-type are both accepted, i.e. cfx:aarc9abycue0hhzgyrr53m6cxedgccrmmyybjgh4xg and cfx:type.user:aarc9abycue0hhzgyrr53m6cxedgccrmmyybjgh4xg are equivalent. However, addresses with an incorrect type, e.g. cfx:type.contract:aarc9abycue0hhzgyrr53m6cxedgccrmmyybjgh4xg, are rejected.
  • Both lowercase (cfx:aarc9abycue0hhzgyrr53m6cxedgccrmmyybjgh4xg) and uppercase (CFX:AARC9ABYCUE0HHZGYRR53M6CXEDGCCRMMYYBJGH4XG) addresses are accepted. Mixed-case addresses are rejected.

Refer to Addresses for more knowledge about Base32 addresses.

The default epochNumber parameter

Several RPC methods have an epoch number parameter. The concept of epochs in Conflux is somewhat analogous to the concept of block numbers (height) in other ledgers, but one epoch might contain multiple blocks.

The epoch number specifies a point in time and the corresponding state of the system, subject to consensus. The following options are possible for the epoch number parameter:

  • HEX String - an integer epoch number. For example, 0x3e8 is epoch 1000.
  • String "earliest" for the epoch of the genesis block.
  • String "latest_checkpoint" for the earliest epoch stored in memory.
  • String "latest_finalized" - for the latest finalized (by PoS) epoch. (Added from conflux-rust v2.0.0)
  • String "latest_confirmed" - for the latest confirmed epoch (using the confirmation meter's estimate).
  • String "latest_state" - for the latest epoch that has been executed.
  • String "latest_mined" - for the latest known epoch.

Please note that due to performance optimization, the latest mined epochs are not executed, so there is no state available for these epochs. For most RPCs related to state query, "latest_state" is recommended. (Refer to transaction lifecycle for more information about transaction life cycle in Conflux).

EIP-1898 style Conflux epochNumber parameter

Conflux core space supports epoch number parameter in EIP-1898 style for certain RPCs. The EIP-1898 style epoch number parameter is an object with 3 optional fields:

  • epochNumber. Corresponding to EIP-1898 defined blockNumber
  • blockHash. Same as EIP-1898 blockHash
  • requirePivot. Corresponding to EIP-1898 requireCanonical. Defaults to true

For example:

"blockHash": "0x692373025c7315fa18b2d02139d08e987cd7016025920f59ada4969c24e44e06",
"requirePivot": false

The EIP-1898 style epoch number parameter is now usable in following RPCs:


Examples of using the JSON_RPC API by making curl requests to an Conflux node are provided below. Each example includes a description of the specific endpoint, its parameters, return type, and a worked example of how it should be used.

The curl requests might return an error message relating to the content type. This is because the --data option sets the content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. If your node does complain about this, manually set the header by placing -H "Content-Type: application/json" at the start of the call. The examples also do not include the URL/IP & port combination which must be the last argument given to curl (e.g. A complete curl request including these additional data takes the following form:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_clientVersion","params":[],"id":67}'

The examples in the rest of this document will use the HTTP endpoint.

State and transaction availability

Conflux archive and full nodes remove historical state tries to reduce storage use. Full nodes will also discard transactions and receipts for historical blocks. As a result, some RPC interfaces might be unavailable for historical queries.

Below is a list of the Conflux RPC APIs and their availability on archive and full nodes. "recent" means that the RPC is only supported for recent items, "OK" means that it should work for any valid input.

RPCarchive nodefull node

If you query a state entry that is unavailable on the node, you will get an error response:

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getBalance","params":["cfx:type.user:aarc9abycue0hhzgyrr53m6cxedgccrmmyybjgh4xg", "earliest"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": -32016,
"message": "Error processing request: State for epoch (number=0 hash=0x24dcc768132dc7f651d7cb35c52e7bba632eda073d8743f81cfe905ff7e4157a) does not exist: out-of-bound StateAvailabilityBoundary { synced_state_height: 0, lower_bound: 9510001, upper_bound: 9569393, optimistic_executed_height: Some(9569392) }"
"id": 1

In this example, we are told that the earliest available state is at epoch 9510001 (0x911c71).

Migrating from Ethereum JSON-RPC

There is a correspondence between some JSON-RPCs from Ethereum and Conflux. Even though the details of JSON-RPC may differ, the following mapping table could be helpful when migrating from Ethereum to Conflux:



A handful of core JSON-RPC methods require data from the Conflux network, and fall neatly into three main categories: Gossip, State, and History. Use the links in these sections to jump to each method, or use the table of contents to explore the whole list of methods.

Gossip Method

These methods track the head of the chain. This is how transactions make their way around the network, find their way into blocks, and how clients find out about new blocks.

  • cfx_getStatus
  • cfx_epochNumber
  • cfx_sendRawTransaction

State Methods

Methods that report the current state of all the data stored. The "state" is like one big shared piece of RAM, and includes account balances, contract data, and gas estimations.

  • cfx_getBalance
  • cfx_getStorageAt
  • cfx_getNonce
  • cfx_getCode
  • cfx_call
  • cfx_estimateGasAndCollateral

History Methods

Fetches historical records of every block back to genesis. This is like one large append-only file, and includes all block headers, block bodies, and transaction receipts.

  • cfx_getBlockByHash
  • cfx_getBlockByEpochNumber
  • cfx_getTransactionByHash
  • cfx_getTransactionReceipt

JSON-RPC methods


Returns information about a transaction, identified by its hash.


  1. DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of a transaction
params: [


Object - a transaction object, or null when no transaction was found:

  • blockHash: DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the block where this transaction was in and got executed. null when the transaction is pending.
  • chainId: QUANTITY - the chain ID specified by the sender.
  • contractCreated: BASE32 - address of the contract created. null when it is not a contract deployment transaction.
  • data: DATA - the data sent along with the transaction.
  • epochHeight: QUANTITY - the epoch proposed by the sender. Note that this is NOT the epoch of the block containing this transaction.
  • from: BASE32 - address of the sender.
  • gas: QUANTITY - gas provided by the sender.
  • gasPrice: QUANTITY - gas price provided by the sender in Drip.
  • hash: DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the transaction.
  • nonce: QUANTITY - the number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
  • r: DATA, 32 Bytes - ECDSA signature r.
  • s: DATA, 32 Bytes - ECDSA signature s.
  • status: QUANTITY - 0 for success, 1 if an error occurred, 2 for skiped, null when the transaction is skipped or not packed.
  • storageLimit: QUANTITY - the storage limit specified by the sender.
  • to: BASE32 - address of the receiver. null when it is a contract deployment transaction.
  • transactionIndex: QUANTITY - the transaction's position in the block. null when the transaction is pending.
  • v: QUANTITY - ECDSA recovery id.
  • value: QUANTITY - value transferred in Drip.

Note that the fields blockHash, contractCreated, status, and transactionIndex are provided by the node as they depend on the transaction's position within the ledger. The rest of the fields are included in or derived from the original transaction.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getTransactionByHash","params":["0x497755f45baef13a35347933c48c0b8940f2cc3347477b5ed9f165581b082699"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"blockHash": "0x564750c06c7afb10de8beebcf24411cc73439295d5abb1264d2c9b90eee5606f",
"chainId": "0x2",
"contractCreated": null,
"data": "0x0",
"epochHeight": "0x909c9f",
"gas": "0xf4240",
"gasPrice": "0x174876e800",
"hash": "0x497755f45baef13a35347933c48c0b8940f2cc3347477b5ed9f165581b082699",
"nonce": "0x3b518",
"r": "0x14da6cff1a3cd864b04d1b16f480fa023f449322e318b04bb1109b5754b516ce",
"s": "0x304070abe6488c3532ecb66f4be32b88ee35ce48a4607b8d0c86461987a79fc7",
"status": "0x0",
"storageLimit": "0x100",
"transactionIndex": "0x0",
"v": "0x1",
"value": "0x3635c9adc5dea00000"
"id": 1


Returns information about a block, identified by its hash.


  1. DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of a block.
  2. Boolean - if true, it returns the full transaction objects. If false, only the hashes of the transactions are returned.
params: [


Object - A block object, or null when no block was found:

  • adaptive: Boolean - true if the weight of the block is adaptive under the GHAST rule.
  • blame: QUANTITY - if 0, then this block does not blame any blocks on its parent path. If it is n > 0, then this block blames its n predecessors on its parent path, e.g. when n = 1, then the block blames its parent but not its parent's parent.
  • deferredLogsBloomHash: DATA, 32 Bytes - the hash of the logs bloom after deferred execution at the block's epoch (assuming it is the pivot block).
  • deferredReceiptsRoot: DATA, 32 Bytes - the Merkle root of the receipts after deferred execution at the block's epoch (assuming it is the pivot block).
  • deferredStateRoot: DATA, 32 Bytes - the hash of the state trie root triplet after deferred execution at the block's epoch (assuming it is the pivot block).
  • difficulty: QUANTITY - the PoW difficulty of this block.
  • epochNumber: QUANTITY - the number of the epoch containing this block in the node's view of the ledger. null when the epoch number is not determined (e.g. the block is not in the best block's past set).
  • gasLimit: QUANTITY - the maximum gas allowed in this block.
  • gasUsed: QUANTITY - the total gas used in this block. null when the block is pending.
  • hash: DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the block.
  • height: QUANTITY - the height of the block.
  • miner: BASE32 - the address of the beneficiary to whom the mining rewards were given.
  • nonce: DATA, 8 Bytes - hash of the generated proof-of-work.
  • parentHash: DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the parent block.
  • powQuality: DATA - the PoW quality. null when the block is pending.
  • refereeHashes: Array - array of referee block hashes.
  • size: QUANTITY - the size of this block in bytes, excluding the block header.
  • timestamp: QUANTITY - the unix timestamp for when the block was created.
  • transactions: Array - array of transaction objects, or 32-byte transaction hashes, depending on the second parameter.
  • transactionsRoot: DATA, 32 Bytes - the Merkle root of the transactions in this block.
  • custom: Array- customized information. Note from v2.0 custom's type has changed from array of number array to array of hex string.
  • blockNumber: QUANTITY - the number of this block's total order in the tree-graph. null when the order is not determined. Added from Conflux-rust v1.1.5
  • posReference: DATA, 32 Bytes - the hash of the PoS newest committed block. Added from Conflux-rust v2.0.0

Note that the fields epochNumber and gasUsed are provided by the node as they depend on the ledger. The rest of the fields are included in or derived from the block header directly.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getBlockByHash","params":["0x692373025c7315fa18b2d02139d08e987cd7016025920f59ada4969c24e44e06", false],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"adaptive": false,
"blame": 0,
"deferredLogsBloomHash": "0xd397b3b043d87fcd6fad1291ff0bfd16401c274896d8c63a923727f077b8e0b5",
"deferredReceiptsRoot": "0x522717233b96e0a03d85f02f8127aa0e23ef2e0865c95bb7ac577ee3754875e4",
"deferredStateRoot": "0xd449df4ba49f5ab02abf261e976197beecf93c5198a6f0b6bd2713d84115c4ec",
"difficulty": "0xeee440",
"epochNumber": "0x1394cb",
"gasLimit": "0xb2d05e00",
"gasUsed": "0xad5ae8",
"hash": "0x692373025c7315fa18b2d02139d08e987cd7016025920f59ada4969c24e44e06",
"height": "0x1394c9",
"nonce": "0x329243b1063c6773",
"parentHash": "0xd1c2ff79834f86eb4bc98e0e526de475144a13719afba6385cf62a4023c02ae3",
"powQuality": "0x2ab0c3513",
"refereeHashes": [
"size": "0x180",
"timestamp": "0x5e8d32a1",
"transactions": [
"custom": ["0x12"],
"transactionsRoot": "0xfb245dae4539ea49812e822adbffa9dd2ee9b3de8f3d9a7d186d351dcc9a6ed4",
"posReference": "0xd1c2ff79834f86eb4bc98e0e526de475144a13719afba6385cf62a4023c02ae3",
"id": 1


Returns information about a block, identified by its epoch number.


  1. QUANTITY|TAG - the epoch number, or the string "latest_mined", "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter.
  2. Boolean - if true, it returns the full transaction objects. If false, only the hashes of the transactions are returned
params: [


See cfx_getBlockByHash.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getBlockByEpochNumber","params":["latest_mined", false],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

Result see cfx_getBlockByHash.


Returns the hash of the best block.




DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the best block.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getBestBlockHash","id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"result" : "0x7d54c03f4fe971d5c45d95dddc770a0ec8d5bd27d57c049ce8adc469269e35a4",
"id" : 1


Returns the epoch number corresponding to the given tag.


  1. TAG - (optional, default: "latest_mined") String "latest_mined", "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter.


QUANTITY - the integer epoch number corresponding to the given tag.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_epochNumber","params":["latest_mined"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"result" : "0x49",
"id" : 1


Returns the current price per gas in Drip.




QUANTITY - integer of the current gas price in Drip.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_gasPrice","id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"result" : "0x09184e72a000",
"id" : 1


Returns the block hashes in the specified epoch.


  1. QUANTITY|TAG - the epoch number, or the string "latest_mined", "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter.


Array - array of block hashes, sorted by their execution (topological) order. Note that the last one is the pivot hash.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getBlocksByEpoch","params":["0x11"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
"id": 1


Returns the balance of the given account, identified by its address.


  1. BASE32 - address to check for balance.
  2. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


QUANTITY - integer of the current balance in Drip.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getBalance","params":["cfx:type.user:aarc9abycue0hhzgyrr53m6cxedgccrmmyybjgh4xg", "latest_state"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0x0234c8a3397aab58", // 158972490234375000
"id": 1


Returns the stacking balance of the given account, identified by its address.


  1. BASE32 - address to check for staking balance.
  2. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


QUANTITY - integer of the current staking balance in Drip.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getStakingBalance","params":["cfx:type.user:aarc9abycue0hhzgyrr53m6cxedgccrmmyybjgh4xg", "latest_state"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0x0234c8a3397aab58", // 158972490234375000
"id": 1


Returns the size of the collateral storage of a given address, in bytes.


  1. BASE32 - address to check for collateral storage.
  2. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


QUANTITY - integer of the collateral storage in Byte.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getCollateralForStorage","params":["cfx:type.user:aarc9abycue0hhzgyrr53m6cxedgccrmmyybjgh4xg", "latest_state"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0x0234c8a8",
"id": 1


Returns the admin of the specified contract.


  1. BASE32 - address of the contract.
  2. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


BASE32 - address of admin, or null if the contract does not exist.


Although meaningless, it is also possible to use user address as the input parameter of cfx_getAdmin method. In this case, the return value will be zero address if the input user address exists in the world state, else null will be returned.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getAdmin","params":["cfx:type.contract:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1


Returns the code of the specified contract. If contract not exist will return 0x0


  1. BASE32 - address of the contract.
  2. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


DATA - byte code of the contract, or 0x if the account has no code.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getCode","params":["cfx:type.contract:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp","latest_state"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0x6080604052600436106100705760003560e01c80638da5cb5b1161004e5780638da5cb5b14610146578063a035b1fe14610",
"id": 1


Returns storage entries from a given contract.


  1. BASE32 - address of the contract.
  2. QUANTITY - a storage position (see here for more info).
  3. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


DATA - 32 Bytes - the contents of the storage position, or null if the contract does not exist.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getStorageAt","params":["cfx:type.contract:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp","0x100","latest_state"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0x0000000000000000000000001dbda5dd2e952914bc74a802510d0fa59f9d7636",
"id": 1


Returns the storage root of a given contract.


  1. BASE32 - address of the contract.
  2. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


Object - A storage root object, or null if the contract does not exist:

  • delta: DATA, 32 Bytes - the storage root in the delta trie, or the string "TOMBSTONE", or null.
  • intermediate: DATA, 32 Bytes - storage root in the intermediate trie, or the string "TOMBSTONE", or null.
  • snapshot: DATA, 32 Bytes - storage root in the snapshot, or the string "TOMBSTONE", or null.

If all three of these fields match for two invocations of this RPC, the contract's storage is guaranteed to be identical. If they do not match, storage has likely changed (or the system transitioned into a new era).

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getStorageRoot","params":["cfx:type.contract:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp","latest_state"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"delta": "0x0240a5a3486ac1cee71db22b8e12f1bb6ac9f207ecd81b06031c407663c20a94",
"intermediate": "0x314a41f277b678a1dc811a1fc0393b6d30c35e900cb27762ec9e9042bfdbdd49",
"snapshot": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470"
"id" :1


Returns the sponsor info of a given contract.


  1. BASE32 - address of the contract.
  2. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


Object - A sponsor info object. If the contract doesn't have a sponsor, then all fields in the object returned will be 0:

  • sponsorBalanceForCollateral: QUANTITY - the sponsored balance for storage.
  • sponsorBalanceForGas: QUANTITY - the sponsored balance for gas.
  • sponsorGasBound: QUANTITY - the max gas that could be sponsored for one transaction.
  • sponsorForCollateral: BASE32 - the address of the storage sponsor.
  • sponsorForGas: BASE32 - the address of the gas sponsor.
  • usedStoragePoints: QUANTITY - storage points already used.
  • availableStoragePoints: QUANTITY - the storage points available for sponsorship.

Hard fork v2.3 provides the introduction for storage points. Refer to CIP-107 for the detailed explanation.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getSponsorInfo","params":["cfx:type.contract:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"sponsorBalanceForCollateral": "0x0",
"sponsorBalanceForGas": "0x0",
"sponsorGasBound": "0x0"
"id": 1


Returns the next nonce that should be used by the given account when sending a transaction.


  1. BASE32 - address of the account.
  2. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


QUANTITY - integer of the next nonce that should be used by the given address.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getNextNonce","params":["cfx:type.user:aarc9abycue0hhzgyrr53m6cxedgccrmmyybjgh4xg", "latest_state"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"result" : "0xe3269d",
"id" : 1


Sends a signed transaction into the network for processing.


  1. DATA, the signed transaction data.
params: [


DATA, 32 Bytes - the transaction hash.

Common Errors

Check send raw transaction errors for details.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_sendRawTransaction","params":[{see above}],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0xf5338a6cb85d10acc9108869f94fe322b2dfa2715d16d264676c91f6a0404b61",
"id": 1


Virtually calls a contract, returns the output data. The transaction will not be added to the blockchain. The error message of cfx_call is similar to cfx_estimateGasAndCollateral and error solutions can be found in cfx_estimateGasAndCollateral behaviour#errors.


  1. Object - a call request object:

    • from: BASE32 - (optional, default: random address) address of sender.
    • to: BASE32 - (optional, default: null for contract creation) address of receiver.
    • gasPrice: QUANTITY - (optional, default: 0) gas price provided by the sender in Drip.
    • gas: QUANTITY - (optional, default: 500000000) gas provided by the sender.
    • value: QUANTITY - (optional, default: 0) value transferred in Drip.
    • data: DATA - (optional, default: 0x) the data send along with the transaction.
    • nonce: QUANTITY - (optional, default: 0) the number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
  2. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter

params: [
"from": "cfx:type.user:aarc9abycue0hhzgyrr53m6cxedgccrmmyybjgh4xg",
"to": "cfx:type.contract:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp",
"data": "0xa6f2ae3a",
"gasPrice": "0x2540be400",
"nonce": "0x0"


DATA, Bytes - the output data, or an execution error.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"method":"cfx_call","id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","params":[{"from":"cfx:type.user:aarc9abycue0hhzgyrr53m6cxedgccrmmyybjgh4xg","to":"cfx:type.contract:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp","data":"0xa6f2ae3a","gasPrice":"0x2540be400","nonce":"0x0"}]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0x",
"id": 1


Virtually executes a transaction, returns an estimate for the size of storage collateralized and the gas used by the transaction. The transaction will not be added to the blockchain.

The response of the cfx_estimateGasAndCollateral interface is contingent on whether specific fields in the input are present or absent. Please refer to cfx_estimateGasAndCollateral behaviour for the detailed information. The error reason and solution can also be found in cfx_estimateGasAndCollateral behaviour#errors.


See cfx_call.

params: [
"from": "cfx:type.user:aarc9abycue0hhzgyrr53m6cxedgccrmmyybjgh4xg",
"to": "cfx:type.contract:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp",
"data": "0x",
"gasPrice": "0x2540be400",
"nonce": "0x0"


Object - an estimate result object:

  • gasLimit: QUANTITY - the recommended gas_limit.
  • gasUsed: QUANTITY - gas used during execution.
  • storageCollateralized: QUANTITY - size of storage collateralized, in bytes.
// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"method":"cfx_estimateGasAndCollateral","id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","params":[{"from":"cfx:type.user:aarc9abycue0hhzgyrr53m6cxedgccrmmyybjgh4xg","to":"cfx:type.contract:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp","data":"0x","gasPrice":"0x2540be400","nonce":"0x0"}]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"gasLimit": "0x6d60",
"gasUsed": "0x5208",
"storageCollateralized": "0x80"
"id": 1


Returns logs matching the filter provided.


  1. Object - A log filter object:
    • fromEpoch: QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_checkpoint") the epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter. Search will be applied from this epoch number.
    • toEpoch: QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") the epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter. Search will be applied up until (and including) this epoch number.
    • fromBlock: QUANTITY - (optional, default: null). Search will be applied from this specified block.
    • toBlock: QUANTITY - (optional, default: null). Search will be applied untial (and including) this specified block.
    • blockHashes: Array of DATA - (optional, default: null) Array of up to 128 block hashes that the search will be applied to. This will override from/to epoch fields if it's not null.
    • address: Array of BASE32 - (optional, default: null) Search contract addresses. If null, match all. If specified, the log must be produced by one of these contracts.
    • topics: Array - (optional, default: null) 32-byte earch topics. Logs can have 4 topics: the event signature and up to 3 indexed event arguments. The elements of topics match the corresponding log topics. Example: ["0xA", null, ["0xB", "0xC"], null] matches logs with "0xA" as the 1st topic AND ("0xB" OR "0xC") as the 3rd topic. If null, match all.
params: [
"fromEpoch": "0x873e12",
"toEpoch": "0x87431b",
"address": "cfx:type.contract:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp",
"topics": [["0x233e08777131763a85257b15eafc9f96ef08f259653d9944301ff924b3917cf5", "0xd7fb65c06987247ab480a21659e16bdf0b5862a19869ec264075d50ab3525435"], null, "0x0000000000000000000000001d618f9b63eca8faf90faa9cb799bf4bfe616c26"],


Array - array of log objects corresponding to the matching logs:

  • address: BASE32 - address of the contract that emitted the log.
  • topics: Array of DATA - array of 32-byte event topics.
  • data: DATA - data of log.
  • blockHash: DATA - 32 Bytes - hash of the block containing the log.
  • epochNumber: QUANTITY - epoch number of the block containing the log.
  • transactionHash: DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the transaction that created the log.
  • transactionIndex: QUANTITY - transaction index in the block.
  • logIndex: QUANTITY - log index in block.
  • transactionLogIndex: QUANTITY - log index in transaction.
// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getLogs","params":[{ "fromEpoch": "0x873e12", "toEpoch": "0x87431b", "address": "cfx:type.contract:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp", "topics": [["0x233e08777131763a85257b15eafc9f96ef08f259653d9944301ff924b3917cf5", "0xd7fb65c06987247ab480a21659e16bdf0b5862a19869ec264075d50ab3525435"], null, "0x0000000000000000000000001d618f9b63eca8faf90faa9cb799bf4bfe616c26"], "limit": "0x2" }],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [{
"blockHash": "0x44531df7bad30d39dfaf844e7c7eb44628467e9bd8474d313397c664a1b9fd14",
"data": "0x0000000000000000000000001d618f9b63eca8faf90faa9cb799bf4bfe616c26",
"epochNumber": "0x873e12",
"logIndex": "0x0",
"topics": [
"transactionHash": "0x7c2536d287c9ac5445f30ccfa067d1f4a2d68d6843f4ba25a5e6d20349367eb3",
"transactionIndex": "0x0",
"transactionLogIndex": "0x0"
}, {
"blockHash": "0x82da9c6ef8a93036ac75b176230dd88c8fe1727104ab01878b54180f0fa25638",
"data": "0x00000000000000000000000019a3224214fe29107d84af9baa02118b614e46d5",
"epochNumber": "0x87431b",
"logIndex": "0x0",
"topics": [
"transactionHash": "0xef11f262e31bc7ead1d0880b7c90855eb8f0ef7c26a198e805f2b9f1e9bc938b",
"transactionIndex": "0x0",
"transactionLogIndex": "0x0"
"id": 1


Returns a transaction receipt, identified by the corresponding transaction hash.


  1. DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of a transaction
params: [


Object - a transaction receipt object, or null when no transaction was found or the transaction was not executed yet:

  • transactionHash: DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the given transaction.
  • index: QUANTITY - transaction index within the block.
  • blockHash: DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the block where this transaction was in and got executed.
  • epochNumber: QUANTITY - epoch number of the block where this transaction was in and got executed.
  • from: BASE32 - address of the sender.
  • to: BASE32 - address of the receiver. null when it is a contract deployment transaction.
  • gasUsed: QUANTITY - gas used for executing the transaction.
  • gasFee: QUANTITY - gas charged to the sender's account. If the provided gas (gas limit) is larger than the gas used, at most 1/4 of it is refunded.
  • gasCoveredBySponsor: Boolean, true if this transaction's gas fee was covered by the sponsor.
  • storageCollateralized: QUANTITY, the amount of storage collateral this transaction required.
  • storageCoveredBySponsor: Boolean, true if this transaction's storage collateral was covered by the sponsor.
  • storageReleased: Array, array of storage change objects, each specifying an address and the corresponding amount of storage collateral released, e.g., [{ 'address': 'CFX:TYPE.USER:AARC9ABYCUE0HHZGYRR53M6CXEDGCCRMMYYBJGH4XG', 'collaterals': '0x280' }]
  • contractCreated: BASE32 - address of the contract created. null when it is not a contract deployment transaction.
  • stateRoot: DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the state root after the execution of the corresponding block. 0 if the state root is not available.
  • outcomeStatus: QUANTITY - the outcome status code. 0x0 means success. 0x1 means failed. 0x2 means skipped
  • logsBloom: DATA, 256 Bytes - bloom filter for light clients to quickly retrieve related logs.
  • logs: Array - array of log objects that this transaction generated, see cfx_getLogs.
  • txExecErrorMsg: String, tx exec fail message, if transaction exec success this will be null.
// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getTransactionReceipt","params":["0x53fe995edeec7d241791ff32635244e94ecfd722c9fe90f34ddf59082d814514"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"blockHash": "0xbb1eea3c8a574dc19f7d8311a2096e23a39f12e649a20766544f2df67aac0bed",
"contractCreated": null,
"epochNumber": "0x87431b",
"gasCoveredBySponsor": true,
"gasFee": "0x108ca",
"gasUsed": "0x8465",
"index": "0x0",
"logs": [{
"data": "0x00000000000000000000000019a3224214fe29107d84af9baa02118b614e46d5",
"topics": ["0x233e08777131763a85257b15eafc9f96ef08f259653d9944301ff924b3917cf5"]
"logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"outcomeStatus": "0x0",
"stateRoot": "0x1bc37c63c03d7e7066f9427f69e515988d19ebb26998087d75b50d2235e55ee7",
"storageCollateralized": "0x40",
"storageCoveredBySponsor": true,
"storageReleased": [{
"collaterals": "0x40"
"transactionHash": "0x53fe995edeec7d241791ff32635244e94ecfd722c9fe90f34ddf59082d814514",
"txExecErrorMsg": null
"id": 1


Returns an account, identified by its address.


  1. BASE32 - address of the account.
  2. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


Object - the state of the given account:

  • address: BASE32 - address of the account.
  • balance: QUANTITY - the balance of the account.
  • nonce: QUANTITY - the nonce of the account's next transaction.
  • codeHash: DATA - the code hash of the account.
  • stakingBalance: QUANTITY - the staking balance of the account.
  • collateralForStorage: QUANTITY - the collateral storage of the account.
  • accumulatedInterestReturn: QUANTITY - accumulated interest return of the account.
  • admin: BASE32 - admin of the account.
// Request
curl --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getAccount","params":["cfx:type.contract:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp", "latest_state"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"accumulatedInterestReturn": "0x0",
"balance": "0x0",
"codeHash": "0x45fed62dd2b7c5ed76a63628ddc811e69bb5770cf31dd55647ca219aaee5434f",
"collateralForStorage": "0x0",
"nonce": "0x1",
"stakingBalance": "0x0"
"id": 1


Returns the interest rate at the given epoch.


  1. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


QUANTITY - the interest rate at the given epoch.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getInterestRate","params":["latest_state"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0x24b675dc000",
"id": 1


Returns the accumulate interest rate at the given epoch.


  1. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


QUANTITY - the accumulate interest rate at the given epoch.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getAccumulateInterestRate","params":["latest_state"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0x3c35a9e557dc9ef76719db0226f",
"id": 1


Check if a user's balance is enough to send a transaction with the specified gas and storage limits to the specified contract. The balance is enough if the user can cover the up-front payment of both execution and storage, or if these costs are sponsored by the contract.


  1. BASE32, account address
  2. BASE32, contract address
  3. QUANTITY, gas limit
  4. QUANTITY, gas price
  5. QUANTITY, storage limit
  6. QUANTITY|TAG, (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter.
params: [


  • isBalanceEnough: Boolean - indicate balance is enough for gas fee and collateral storage
  • willPayCollateral: Boolean - false if the transaction is eligible for storage collateral sponsorship, true otherwise.
  • willPayTxFee: Boolean - false if the transaction is eligible for gas sponsorship, true otherwise.
// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_checkBalanceAgainstTransaction","params":["cfx:type.user:aarc9abycue0hhzgyrr53m6cxedgccrmmyybjgh4xg", "cfx:type.contract:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp", "0x5208", "0x2540be400", "0x0", "0xbf63"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"isBalanceEnough": true,
"willPayCollateral": true,
"willPayTxFee": true
"id": 1


Returns the list of non-executed blocks in an epoch. By default, Conflux only executes the last 200 blocks in each epoch (note that under normal circumstances, epochs should be much smaller).


  1. QUANTITY|TAG - integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


  • Array of block hashes
// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getSkippedBlocksByEpoch","params":["0xba28"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [],
"id": 1


Returns the confirmation risk of a given block, identified by its hash.


  1. DATA, 32 Bytes - the block hash.
params: [


  • QUANTITY, the integer confirmation risk, or null if the block does not exist.
// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getConfirmationRiskByHash","params":["0x3912275cf09f8982a69735a876c14584dae95078762090c5d32fdf0dbec0647c"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0x2af31dc4611873bf3f70834acdae9f0f4f534f5d60585a5f1c1a3ced1b",
"id": 1


Returns the node status.




  • bestHash: DATA - hash of the latest epoch's pivot block
  • blockNumber: QUANTITY - total block number
  • chainId: QUANTITY - chainId
  • networkId: QUANTITY - networkId
  • ethereumSpaceChainId: QUANTITY - eSpace's chainId (Added from v2.0)
  • epochNumber: QUANTITY - latest epoch number
  • latestCheckpoint: QUANTITY - latest checkpoint epoch number
  • latestConfirmed: QUANTITY - latest confirmed epoch number
  • latestFinalized: QUANTITY - latest finallized epoch number (Added from v2.0)
  • latestState: QUANTITY - latest state epoch number
  • pendingTxNumber: QUANTITY - current pending transaction count
// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getStatus","id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"bestHash": "0xe4bf02ad95ad5452c7676d3dfc2e57fde2a70806c2e68231c58c77cdda5b7c6c",
"chainId": "0x1",
"networkId": "0x1",
"blockNumber": "0x1a80325",
"epochNumber": "0xaf28ab",
"latestCheckpoint": "0xada520",
"latestConfirmed": "0xaf2885",
"latestState": "0xaf28a7",
"latestFinalized": "0x2a420c",
"ethereumSpaceChainId": "0x22b9",
"pendingTxNumber": "0x0"
"id": 1


Returns the conflux-rust version.




  • STRING - the client version
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_clientVersion","id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "conflux-rust-0.6.3",
"id": 1


Returns the reward info for all executed blocks in the specified epoch.


  1. QUANTITY|TAG - integer epoch number, or the string "latest_checkpoint", see the epoch number parameter
params: [

Please note that reward calculation is delayed so it might not be available for the latest few epochs (including "latest_state").


Array - array of reward info objects

  • blockHash: DATA - the block hash
  • author: BASE32 - the address of block miner
  • totalReward: QUANTITY - total reward of the block including base reward, tx fee, staking reward
  • baseReward: QUANTITY - base reward
  • txFee: QUANTITY - tx fee
// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getBlockRewardInfo","params":["0x5ee248"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
"baseReward": "0x9ccda666a9516000",
"blockHash": "0xa4a409ea5f1d31e787cd5e20a3eec1fd43851d29608d2de98fb127f518e1a211",
"totalReward": "0x9ccdca639a29ece1",
"txFee": "0x0"
"id": 1


Returns the requested block if the provided pivot hash is correct, returns an error otherwise.


  • DATA, block hash
  • DATA, assumed pivot hash
  • QUANTITY, integer epoch number.
params: [


See cfx_getBlockByHash.

// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getBlockByHashWithPivotAssumption","params":["0x3912275cf09f8982a69735a876c14584dae95078762090c5d32fdf0dbec0647c", "0x3912275cf09f8982a69735a876c14584dae95078762090c5d32fdf0dbec0647c", "0xba28"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

Result see cfx_getBlockByHash.


Returns the deposit list of the given account, identified by its address.


  1. BASE32 - address of the account.
  2. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


Array - array of deposit info objects:

  • accumulatedInterestRate: QUANTITY - the accumulated interest rate at the time of the deposit.
  • amount: QUANTITY - the number of tokens deposited.
  • depositTime: QUANTITY - the time of the deposit.
// Request
curl --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getDepositList","params":["cfx:aan02vpwvz8crpa1n10j17ufceefptdc2yzkagxk5u", "latest_state"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [{
"accumulatedInterestRate": "0x3c4517ac75006c913c52c2402e8",
"amount": "0x8ac7230489e80000",
"depositTime": 3135949
}, {
"accumulatedInterestRate": "0x3c451870afdac66f40804d95742",
"amount": "0x8ac7230489e80000",
"depositTime": 3136255
"id": 1


Returns the vote list of the given account, identified by its address.


  1. BASE32 - address of the account.
  2. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


Array - array of vote info objects:

  • amount: QUANTITY - the number of tokens locked.
  • unlockBlockNumber: QUANTITY - the block number at which the locked tokens are released.

For getting the current block number, please refer to conflux-rust#1973.

// Request
curl --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getVoteList","params":["cfx:aan02vpwvz8crpa1n10j17ufceefptdc2yzkagxk5u", "latest_state"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [{
"amount": "0x8ac7230489e80000",
"unlockBlockNumber": 1000000000000
"id": 1


Returns summary supply info of the entire chain.




Object - Object include the supply summary info.

  • totalIssued: QUANTITY - Amount of total issued CFX in Drip
  • totalCollateral: QUANTITY - Amount of total storage collateraled CFX in Drip
  • totalStaking: QUANTITY - Amount of total staking CFX in Drip
  • totalCirculating: QUANTITY - Amount: TotalIssued - FourYearUnlock - TwoYearUnlock
  • totalEspaceTokens: QUANTITY - Amount of total eSpace CFX in Drip (Added in Conflux-Rust v2.0.1)


// Request
curl --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getSupplyInfo","params":[],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Result
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"totalCirculating": "0x1ed09beade67915041ca95cb0ea3b",
"totalCollateral": "0x2b95bdcc39b610000",
"totalIssued": "0x1ed09ced5cda57e32eec33328ea3b",
"totalStaking": "0x56bc75e2d63100000"
"id": "15922956697249514502"


Returns transaction pool pending info of one account


  1. BASE32 - address of the account.
params: [


Object - Object include account's pending info.

  • localNonce: QUANTITY - User's transaction pool nonce that can be used for next transaction.
  • pendingNonce: QUANTITY - User's current pending nonce
  • pendingCount: QUANTITY - Count of pending transaction
  • nextPendingTx: DATA - Hash of next pending transaction


// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getAccountPendingInfo","params":["cfx:aan02vpwvz8crpa1n10j17ufceefptdc2yzkagxk5u"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Response
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"localNonce": "0x1ed",
"nextPendingTx": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"pendingCount": "0x0",
"pendingNonce": "0x0"
"id": "15922956697249514502"


Returns pending transactions in pool of one account


  1. BASE32 - address of the account.
  2. [QUANTITY] - Optional start nonce to return
  3. [QUANTITY] - Optional limit of pending transactions to return
params: [


Object - Object include account's pending transaction info.

  • firstTxStatus: OBJECT - An object with only one field pending, it's value is the first pending transaction's status. Only have three case futureNonce, notEnoughCash. Or just a string ready
  • pendingCount: QUANTITY - Count of pending transactions
  • pendingTransactions: ARRAY - Array of pending transaction


// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getAccountPendingTransactions","params":["cfx:aan02vpwvz8crpa1n10j17ufceefptdc2yzkagxk5u"],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

// Response
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"firstTxStatus": {
"pending": "futureNonce"
"pendingCount": "0x1",
// Reference transaction example
"pendingTransactions": [
"...": "..."
"id": "15922956697249514502"


Returns information about a block, identified by its block number (block's tree-graph order number).

Added at

Conflux-rust v1.1.5


  1. QUANTITY - the block number.
  2. Boolean - if true, it returns the full transaction objects. If false, only the hashes of the transactions are returned
params: [


See cfx_getBlockByHash.


// Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"cfx_getBlockByBlockNumber","params":["0x1000", false],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:12539

Result see cfx_getBlockByHash.


Returns PoS economics summary info.

Added at

Conflux-rust v2.0.0


  1. [QUANTITY] - (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter


  • distributablePosInterest: QUANTITY Total distributable PoS interest (Unit is Drip)
  • lastDistributeBlock: QUANTITY Last block that distributable PoS interest
  • totalPosStakingTokens: QUANTITY Total tokens staked in PoS (Unit is Drip)


curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:12537' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ' {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "15922956697249514502",
"method": "cfx_getPoSEconomics",
"params": []
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"distributablePosInterest": "0x6fd7fd91140603a45caff2",
"lastDistributeBlock": "0x100",
"totalPosStakingTokens": "0x29cbb85e5a6e849c00000"
"id": "15922956697249514502"


Get rewards information of a PoS epoch by it's correspond PoW epoch number. Only PoW epoch happen's at PoS epoch end will have rewards information. Others will return null.

Added at

Conflux-rust v2.0.0


  1. QUANTITY: PoW epoch number
params: [


  • accountRewards: Array of AccountReward
  • powEpochHash: HASH - the hash value of the PoW block when the rewards are made
  • posAddress: ADDRESS - PoS account address
  • powAddress: BASE32 - PoW account address
  • reward: QUANTITY - the number of rewards, in the unit of Drip


curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:12537' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "cfx_getPoSRewardByEpoch",
"params": ["0x4a"]


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"accountRewards": [
"posAddress": "0x459b19e745eb410c3696ff1ed15f9de9bb46aa5fefc27b0b6e8b8d7aaadfe8c0",
"reward": "0x14931d20aa21eae3e6f"
"posAddress": "0x046ca462890f25ed9394ca9f92c979ff48e1738a81822ecab96d83813c1a433c",
"powAddress": "NET8888:TYPE.USER:AAPXUPNXG96GZ4077DAV0151K7P8498N9A6DMAWK1N",
"reward": "0x2d49549e023888cd390"
"powEpochHash": "0x361cb0f19fd13c30da467d20a84ef01aabcd55e9812c5e2fd0721ea11a52e9f1"
"id": 1


Returns DAO vote params info

Added at

Conflux-rust v2.1.0


  1. QUANTITY: (optional, default: "latest_state") integer epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter
params: [


  • powBaseReward: QUANTITY - The PoW base reward amount
  • interestRate: QUANTITY - The PoS interest rate
  • storagePointProp: QUANTITY - The proportion of sponsored storage will transfer to storage point


curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:12537' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "cfx_getParamsFromVote",
"params": ["0x4a"]


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"powBaseReward": "0x1",
"interestRate": "0x2",
"id": 1


This function creates a log filter for tracking usage. It returns a log filter ID, which can be employed through the cfx_getFilterChanges command to retrieve logs newly generated from recently executed transactions. The from* field in this context will be disregarded by this RPC (Remote Procedure Call). This function can also be used via cfx_getFilterLogs to retrieve all logs that match the filter criteria. In this instance, the from* fields are considered.

It is important to note that the filter object will expire after a certain period of inactivity from the last request, typically 60 seconds. This expiration duration is configured by the node. To avoid losing log tracking, it is recommended to refresh or recreate the filter as necessary.


  1. Object - A log filter object:
    • fromEpoch: QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_checkpoint") the epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter. The start epoch to search. Noting that [cfx_getFilterChanges] will ignore this parameter.
    • toEpoch: QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") the epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter. Search will be applied up until (and including) this epoch number.
    • fromBlock: QUANTITY - (optional, default: null). The start block to search. Noting that [cfx_getFilterChanges] will ignore this parameter.
    • toBlock: QUANTITY - (optional, default: null). Search will be applied untial (and including) this specified block.
    • blockHashes: Array of DATA - (optional, default: null) Array of up to 128 block hashes that the search will be applied to. This will override from/to epoch fields if it's not null.
    • address: Array of BASE32 - (optional, default: null) Search contract addresses. If null, match all. If specified, the log must be produced by one of these contracts.
    • topics: Array - (optional, default: null) 32-byte earch topics. Logs can have 4 topics: the event signature and up to 3 indexed event arguments. The elements of topics match the corresponding log topics. Example: ["0xA", null, ["0xB", "0xC"], null] matches logs with "0xA" as the 1st topic AND ("0xB" OR "0xC") as the 3rd topic. If null, match all.
params: [
"fromEpoch": "0x873e12",
"toEpoch": "0x87431b",
"address": "cfx:type.contract:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp",
"topics": [["0x233e08777131763a85257b15eafc9f96ef08f259653d9944301ff924b3917cf5", "0xd7fb65c06987247ab480a21659e16bdf0b5862a19869ec264075d50ab3525435"], null, "0x0000000000000000000000001d618f9b63eca8faf90faa9cb799bf4bfe616c26"],


QUANTITY - the id of the log filter object.



curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:12537' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "cfx_getParamsFromVote",
"params": ["fromEpoch": "0x873e12"]


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0x09294f7b3b63b52d3771fcafb7b7ed61",
"id": 1


Create a block filter for following up usage. Returns the block filter id which can be used via cfx_getFilterChanges to retrieve latest executed blocks.

It is important to note that the filter object will expire after a certain period of inactivity from the last request, typically 60 seconds. This expiration duration is configured by the node. To avoid losing log tracking, it is recommended to refresh or recreate the filter as necessary.




QUANTITY - the id of the block filter object.



curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:12537' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "cfx_newBlockFilter",
"params": []


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0x09294f7b3b63b52d3771fcafb7b7ed61",
"id": 1


Create a pending transaction filter for following up usage. Returns the transaction filter id which can be used via cfx_getFilterChanges to retrieve ready but not executed transactions.


The created filter will only filter out ready transactions, which means a pending transaction with a future nonce will never be listed via corresponding cfx_getFilterChanges.

Besides, it is important to note that the filter object will expire after a certain period of inactivity from the last request, typically 60 seconds. This expiration duration is configured by the node. To avoid losing log tracking, it is recommended to refresh or recreate the filter as necessary.




QUANTITY - the id of the pending transaction filter object.



curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:12537' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "cfx_newPendingTransactionFilter",
"params": []


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "0x09294f7b3b63b52d3771fcafb7b7ed61",
"id": 1


Get filter changes since last retrieve. Return value depends on which type of filter id is provided. Filter id can be returned from current RPCs:


The created filter will only filter out ready transactions, which means a pending transaction with a future nonce will never be listed via corresponding cfx_getFilterChanges.


  1. QUANTITY - the filter id.
params: [


Array - array of log receipts (same format as cfx_getLogs return value), block hashes, or transaction hashes depending on the input.



curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:12537' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "cfx_getFilterChanges",
"params": [0x09294f7b3b63b52d3771fcafb7b7ed61]


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": ["0xcc103077ede14825a5667bddad79482d7bbf1f1a658fed6894fa0e9287fc6be1"],
"id": 1


Returns all logs matching the log filter (Unlike cfx_getFilterChanges, from* fields still work).


  1. QUANTITY - the filter id.
params: [


Array - array of log receipts (same as cfx_getLogs).



curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:12537' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "cfx_getFilterLogs",
"params": [0x09294f7b3b63b52d3771fcafb7b7ed61]


Refer to cfx_getLogs.


Uninstall the specified filter. Returns a bool whether the uninstallation succeeds.


  1. QUANTITY - the filter id.
params: [


Boolean - whether the uninstallation succeeds.



curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:12537' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "cfx_uninstallFilter",
"params": [0x09294f7b3b63b52d3771fcafb7b7ed61]


"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"result" : true,
"id" : 1


Returns all transaction receipts within the specific epoch.


This method is supported by Confura if api key is provided. For normal nodes, this method is also supported, but can only be accessed in local environment.


  1. QUANTITY|TAG - the epoch number, or the string "latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint" or "earliest", see the epoch number parameter.
  2. Boolean - whether eSpace transaction receipts will be included in the return value, defaults to false.
params: [


Array - This is a two-dimensional array of transaction receipts. Each sub-array represents transactions within a block. Noting an extra field of space will be added to each transaction receipt if the second parameter is set to true. The value of space will be either native meaning this is a core space transaction receipt or evm meaning the transaction is from eSpace.



curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:12537' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "cfx_getEpochReceipts",
"params": ["0x1000", true]


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": [
"transactionHash": "0x386442f263e3d4b382f97efe577e3bb5956872a322936b8581133be4ec392153",
"index": "0x0",
"blockHash": "0x6ebb905fbfcc80506080e639b80d7bc696dab2f6168e01daedf3c15597987da2",
"epochNumber": "0x7e6f164",
"from": "cfxtest:aakvz2e5nt82c9nvbbg84hzbrjy53nsdf20ng5wuj1",
"to": "cfxtest:acbpnfz9mu42a6ubhdcyadj04m2w8wt6sex7atgyg6",
"gasUsed": "0x15a1b",
"accumulatedGasUsed": "0x15a1b",
"gasFee": "0x50957e574e00",
"contractCreated": null,
"logs": [],
"logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"stateRoot": "0x6ef7bcc4d8cb7c777a587a22002930c5d44e62e1047043c44dd44f89d16e462d",
"outcomeStatus": "0x0",
"txExecErrorMsg": null,
"gasCoveredBySponsor": false,
"storageCoveredBySponsor": false,
"storageCollateralized": "0x0",
"storageReleased": [],
"space": "native"


Returns current chain collateral status info.


  1. QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest_state") the epoch number, or the string ``"latest_state", "latest_confirmed", "latest_checkpoint"or"earliest"`, see the epoch number parameter.
params: [


Object - The storage collateral info object of the chain.

  • totalStorageTokens
  • convertedStoragePoints - converted storage points of the total chain
  • usedStoragePoints - storage points already used for sponsorship


curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:12537' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "cfx_getCollateralInfo",
"params": ["latest_executed"]


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": {
"totalStorageTokens": "0x12c6e8ec75a2740998000",
"convertedStoragePoints": "0x485ec66",
"usedStoragePoints": "0x290bc0"